Xtool X100 Pad vs. EZ500 vs. EZ400 vs. EZ300 vs. PS80 vs. PS90
What’s the difference among Xtool tablets, X100 pad, EZ500, EZ400, EZ300, PS80 and PS80? Check table comparison below: Item X100 Pad EZ500 EZ400 EZ300 EZ500/PS80 /PS90 Operating System
OBDSTAR X300 DP vs. Xtool EZ500 Full System Universal Programmer
Looking for a good full-system diagnostic pad: Obdstar X300 DP and Xtool EZ500 (same as PS80), which one better? Look here: Hardware specification:   OBDSTAR X300 DP pad XTOOL
OBDSTAR X300 DP vs. Xtool EZ500 Full System Universal Programmer
Looking for a good full-system diagnostic pad: Obdstar X300 DP and Xtool EZ500 (same as PS80), which one better? Look here:   Hardware specification:   OBDSTAR X300 DP pad