Why NSPC001 Nissan pin code calculator read only 4-digit?
We have a Japanese customer reported that his NSPC001 Nissan automotive pin code calculator can only read 4-digit pincode (BCM code),but web states it can read 20-digit. Problem: I
Why NSPC001 Nissan pin code calculator read only 4-digit?
We have a Japanese customer reported that his NSPC001 Nissan automotive pin code calculator can only read 4-digit pincode (BCM code),but web states it can read 20-digit.   Problem:
How to program Nissan Altima 2006 key with Consult III
Here is the step by step instruction on programming Nissan Altima 2006 with Nissan Consult III special diagnostic tool and pin code reader. Tool needed: Nissan Consult 3
How to program Nissan Altima 2006 key with Consult III
Here is the step by step instruction on programming Nissan Altima 2006 with Nissan Consult III special diagnostic tool and pin code reader.   Tool needed: Nissan Consult
Program remotes with Key Pro M8 and Nissan Pin code reader
A locksmith key programmer usually has to work with PIN Code reader/Calculator. Here is an example of using MVP Key Pro M8 key programmer with Nissan NSPC001 PIN
Program remotes with Key Pro M8 and Nissan Pin code reader
A locksmith key programmer usually has to work with PIN Code reader/Calculator. Here is an example of using MVP Key Pro M8 key programmer with Nissan NSPC001 PIN