SKP900 key programmer vs. The Key Pro M8
Difference between SKP900 key programmer hand-held obd2 tool and the Key Pro M8 auto
Can SKP900 46/4D/48 Adapter Plus copy 4C chip?
A SKP900 key programmer user consulted obd365 technician that can he buy the 46/4D/48 Adapter Plus
Can SKP900 46/4D/48 Adapter Plus copy 4C chip?
A SKP900 key programmer user consulted obd365 technician that can he buy the 46/4D/48 Adapter Plus
VVDI Benz MB BGA tool cannot read W221 via OBD2?
Question: I tested VVDI MB TOOL read data with obd2 210 k line working and 204 car read with obd 2 but 211 not read with obd2cable connect 16 12v 4+5 GND 14 CAN_L 6 CAN_H pin 1 : ESL 1 pin 2 : GND pin 3 : +12V (30) pin 5 : CAN L (White)
Xhorse VVDI 2 VVDI2 Commander review 2016-01-18
We’e got a new VVDI 2 VVDI II  user that give us positive feedback
Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder
Here is the step-by-step instruction on cloning 4D chip with Zed Bull transponder key programmer
OBDSTAR X100 Pro ECU Diagnosis on 2013 AUDI S5
OBDSTAR X100 Pro key programmer can not only perform key programming function, it supports
OBDSTAR X100 Pro ECU Diagnosis on 2013 AUDI S5
OBDSTAR X100 Pro key programmer can not only perform key programming function, it supports
Zed Bull and TPX Cloner Copy 4D transponder
Here is the step-by-step instruction on cloning 4D chip with Zed Bull transponder key programmer
VVDI Benz MB BGA tool cannot read W221 via OBD2?
Question: I tested VVDI MB TOOL read data with obd2 210 k line working and 204 car read with obd 2 but 211 not read with obd2cable connect 16 12v 4+5 GND 14 CAN_L 6 CAN_H pin 1 : ESL 1 pin 2 : GND pin 3 : +12V (30) pin 5 : CAN L (White)