Tips to Program Old Renault PCF7935 Tranponsder Key


It is a Renault Twingo 1999. The customer only had one key and the transponder was broken. It has ID33 (PCF7935) and not ID46. How to program a key for this car?


Buy a used key, take down the transponder coil and glue T5 transponder or xhorse vvdi super chip XT27A instead. Remove the immo, read eeprom and program transponder. Finally program the remote manually.

Procedure to program remote manual:

1. Press and hold the central lock button until the doors lock and unlock
2. Press the 1st key 3 times within 1.5 seconds, the doors will lock and unlock after 3rd press
If you don’t have a second key to program, now wait 10 seconds until the IMMOLED goes out and skip next step
3. Press the 2nd key 3 times, the IMMOLED will go out and doors lock/unlock.

See also
Autel KM100 Cannot Generate VVDI Super Chip XT27?

Big coil key is 7935 transponder key.

Tips to Program Old Renault PCF7935 Tranponsder Key

XT27A superchip.

Tips to Program Old Renault PCF7935 Tranponsder Key

Or T5 ID13 transponder glued instead coil. Available for used scrap key.

Tips to Program Old Renault PCF7935 Tranponsder Key

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