Will Autel IM608 Program ProMaster All Keys with with BCM Locked?


Can the Autel IM608 do all keys lost for a Dodge promaster push to start? It has active alarm. The BCM gets locked with alarm.

Here is the clue.

The Fiat uses a different BCM and right now autel has a flash in there that modifies it and kicks out the alarm but that setting doesn’t work on a ProMaster.
If the door is opened or the key is turned on and the chip is not recognized it’ll be an alarm state if the doors were locked doesn’t matter how you open them.

The only option is to pull the BCM simulate the key. 

Will Autel IM608 Program ProMaster All Keys with with BCM Locked?

Bench on bcm read data to make simulator key ran for 2 mins with blade and simulator held next to ignition. BCM unlocked key programs like normal.

It’s on simulator key and you use metal blade to turn it with simulator and start vehicle and let run for like 2 minutes at least to get bcm unlocked.

See also
Where to Get Drivers to use Autel IM608 JVCI as Passthru?

The procedure is on the IMMO side.

Open up the all keys lost menu then click on and start the process then it’ll bring up the diagrams.

There  are 4 bcm options that Autel shows.

All soldering are on the back side.

Don’t split make sure to use the resistor it asked for. Had to grab a 10 ohm resistor. It won’t read with wrong resistor.

You have to go back and connect to the car once it loads the diagram and loads into the thing you can’t exit then go do all the rest of it.

For example:

Promaster city 2015all keys lost locked bcm active alarm is done.

Will Autel IM608 Program ProMaster All Keys with with BCM Locked?

Will Autel IM608 Program ProMaster All Keys with with BCM Locked?

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