Tips to Program Ssangyong Radius 2017 All Keys Lost with Autel IM608

It is a Ssangyong radius 2017. All keys have lost. Autel im608 can do this by obd?? Or some immo box out.

Blade is toy40.
Transponder is ID60.
Programmed with autel im608.

I had no pick for toy40.
Car was open.

Striped the door lock is quite easy
Read numbers from wafers
Instacode didnt find key but its easy to figured out

Cut key
Toy40 toy48 blade worked ok.

Transponder was in my case ID60.

Programmed with im608.
No pin need it.
Autel dose it all automatically.

See also
How to Generate Ford ID49 High Frequency Remote with Autel?
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