Here are the instructions on programming 2024 Mazda CX-5 all proximity smart keys lost using OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 key programmer by OBD.
At least 2 keys are required.
Go to Immobilizer->Mazda->Select from model->CX-5->select from region->2018 up-> Proximity->Type 1-> All smart keys lost
Press and hold the vehicle start button for 10s, Start button indicator light from green to yellow, press the Start button again turn on the instrument.
All smart keys will be erased.
minimum 2 keys are required.
Make sure the igntion is on
Configuring system, once keys have been erased successfully, you will hear a confirmation beep from the horn.
All keys have been erased.
Turn igntion off.
Hold the key close to the igntion button and press it against the button for about 5 seconds.
The first key has been successfully programmed.
Repeat the same steps for the 2nd key.
Turn igntion off
Press the brake padel
Turn all the programmed keys to the Start button to start the engine for 3s.
Then switch ignition off.
Test all keys.