Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Key Requirement

There are some frequently asked questions about Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool and MLB keys.

Q: What Key is to be used?

A: Original key or VVDI dedicated MLB key.

Q: VVDI MLB tool, Will kydz mlb keys fit?

A: No, you cannot. KYDZ keys are not compatible with VVDI MLB Tool.

Q: Is It For The Newer Models like 2022 2023 , and do You Need a Dealer Key or aftermarket Keys Will Be programmed ??

A: Original key (dealer key) or VVDI MLB key.

Q: Can I use used original key or must be brand new key?

A: Should be new key if use original key.

You can use original key when:
Unlocked uninitialized with id Can generate key directly to learn key
Unlocked and uninitialized without id Allows to change the id once.
Unlocked and initialized Can restore key to unlocked and uninitialized state by calculating anti-theft data No id
Locked and initialized original key cannot be unlocked.

Q: Where to get VVDI MLB Key?

A: The VVDI MLB key is not yet released. Coming soon.

Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Key Requirement

Q: wires need to be solderd to orignal key circuit board and that x2 capacitor need removing. do they just need removing or do they need refiting?

See also
How to Program Ford Ranger 2013 TP33 (6E) Remote Key

A: Must solder 2 capacitors back to the key PCB. You can solder original capacitors or new capacitors (100nF each).

Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Key Requirement

Q: Is it possible to use used key from other car?

A: No, need original new key.

Q: Xhorse MLB keys possible with normal universal remotes ?

A: No possible. Only VVDI MLB key.

Q: do I need to soldering point ? Or is coming with free solder adapter

A:  Need to soldering point, it does not have solder free adapter.

Q: Does VVDI MLB Tool require token to add keys?

A: No points required when using VVDI MLB specialized key.

It does require points when adding original key. Points will be deducted:
1 When adding a key, points need to be deducted to calculate the anti-theft data
2 When recovering a key, the second-hand key is initialized and unlocked, but there is no anti-theft data for the key. The anti-theft data of the key needs to be collected and calculated before recovery.

Q: How to add key with the VVDI MLB-Tool?

A: Here is a demo instruction with key tool plus.

Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Key Requirement


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