Yanhua ACDP2 BMW FRM Module 8 Asks for CAS4 OBD License?


When try run module 8 for Yanhua Mini ACDP2, the app gives error authorization “Cas4/cas4+non obd key match” module,
and software back to main menu,

How run correctly BMW FRM module without errors ??


To use ACDP2 module 8, you need to bind module 8 with module 1 first.

FRM module= ACDP2 + Module 1+ Module 8

After bind modules, go to FRM Data Recovery (Automatic mode)

Check wiring diagram and instruction to repair FRM module.

Yanhua ACDP2 BMW FRM Module 8 Asks for CAS4 OBD License?

Yanhua ACDP2 BMW FRM Module 8 Asks for CAS4 OBD License?

Yanhua ACDP2 BMW FRM Module 8 Asks for CAS4 OBD License?

Yanhua ACDP2 BMW FRM Module 8 Asks for CAS4 OBD License?

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