How to Solve Autel KM100 Frequently Restarts Problem?

Autel km100 key tool restarts every 3 or 5 or 10 minutes.

Here is the customer solution:

Below the battery is a shield, the largest one in the center. Remove.
This one USA. Thermal bread which in no way helps dissolve heat. I don’t know if all km100 heats mine uses a thermal camera because it repaired phones it’s almost similar. Switched to thermal paste which one I use for some phones. The temperature is dropping. Didn’t give me reboot issues again. My km100 is 3 months old I bought it from the first day it gave me that problem. Wasn’t used. Ask the brand because it was bought in the USA sending it is very expensive besides they lose with my country’s mail. That’s why I better check it out. If it has a warranty then it’s better to use it. But that’s another topic. I hope my experience helps you.

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How to Solve Autel KM100 Frequently Restarts Problem?

How to Solve Autel KM100 Frequently Restarts Problem?

How to Solve Autel KM100 Frequently Restarts Problem?

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