Xtool KS01 vs Xtool AnyToyo SK1 Emulator for Toyota

What’s the difference between Xtool KS-01 and AnyToyo SK1 emulators for Toyota/Lexus?

Xtool KS01 vs Xtool AnyToyo SK1 Emulator for Toyota

To program Toyota/Lexus car keys through Xtool scanners, you must use emulators. Xtool produces two emulators KS1 and AnyToyo SK1. The table shows how these emulators differ.

Key Xtool KS-01 Xtool AnyToyo SK1
94/D4 X
98 X
39 X
88/A8 2013-2017 2017+
A9 2013-2017 2017+
4A X

X- not supported
√ supported
The manufacturer may make changes to the compatibility policy.


See also
Program Toyota All Smart Keys Lost by Xtool Pad and KS-01 Emulator
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