How to Program Fiat E500 2017 All Keys Lost with Active Alarm?

Question: 2017 fiat e500 all key lost and alram active. How to program key for this car?

How to Program Fiat E500 2017 All Keys Lost with Active Alarm?

Here is the clue.

Most Fiat stuff that’s in alarm and all keys lost will need a new BCM.

BCM locks and stays in alarm forever on most. Run into it on the 500 pop and the promaster city.

They will bend over at the dealer for this.

I just did one the other day. $1000 CAD for a new bcm. $120 CAD for OEM software (wiTECH 2) then program it up.

You can buy used BSI, virginize ECU and programming New key. Only need proxy aliment. Possible read proxy from locked BSI, and write to donor.

See also
OBDSTAR X300 DP or DP Plus Valid Update Time Expired Solution
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