Yanhua Mini ACDP “Device has Reach the Number of Calculations” Solution

Problem 1:

I need to clone an old BMW DME msd87.2 and I bought Yanhua Mini ACDP and Module 27 to do this. Why am I being controlled with limitations?

“decive has reached the number of calculations”

Yanhua Mini ACDP “Device has Reach the Number of Calculations” Solution

Problem 2:

I’m trying to read isn from BMW Msv80. Acdp said ‘the number of server calculations has exceeded the limit’.

Yanhua Mini ACDP “Device has Reach the Number of Calculations” Solution

Answer and solution:

The MSD8x MSV80 kind of DME’s need a server calculation that’s special. After a couple times it’s shuts you down. Up to 5 times per day.

Do it the next day.

If you are urgent, send the ACDP serial number to ACDP engineer to add 1-2 calculations.

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