Does Autel KM100 Support Built-in CAN FD?

Question: Does the Autel km100 need a can fd adapter or is it built into the vci?

The KM100 itself does not have built-in CAN FD protocol. It is built into the VCI200 adapter.

VCI200 does come with FD & DOIP. That’s why you can use the VCI200 with the IM608 to get CAN FD and DoIP protocols.

Autel does canfd just fine and dandy.
Autel WILL program the new GM immo security system, what autel doesn’t have is access to the GM pin codes, as the pin code is not stored in the vehicle anymore. but if you do get the pin code autel will program the keys just find.
GM is not the only manufacturer to use canfd, ford uses it also.
It will even do diagnostics and specifically functions. bidirectional. all the stuff it’s supposed to do (with IM608. KM100 cannot do diagnostics).

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