Which Tool to Program Hyundai Kona 2023 All Keys Lost?

Question: What programmer to program key for Hyundai Kona 2023 when lost all keys? Its same shape than old Kona. What tool work great on it?
What blade and lishi need?




Kona hasn’t updated from the DST80 platform yet as far as I’ve seen. No tool will read the PIN from the car so you’ll need to buy it in or read it from a working key. The blade is Silca KIA9/10, Lishi is K5 or KIA2018 from memory, but that said if you’re buying the PIN in for AKL anyway you may as well get the key number too.

Almost any modern tool will program your key and remote as this is the same Hyundai bladed system from 2012 to today.

Car will take a standard blank DST80 transponder (can generate with xt27a), KeyDIY remotes work but you may prefer a genuine which is available on the aftermarket, just may need a transponder added to them as they sometimes buy the US spec ones in which have no transponder.

See also
How to Add VW Golf 2011 UDS Type 48 Chip Key with OBDSTAR X300 DP


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