Which Tool to Program VW Polo 9N All Keys Lost?

This is a VW Polo 2005, dashboard VDO 6Q0 920 803D. It is EDC15
I tried Xhorse VVDI2, the procedure is correct, but the key does not program.

It read the PIN. The VVDI2 procedure was successful but the immo light is still flashing. I used ID48-TP23 generated by VVDI2.
I tried disconnecting the battery and waiting 10 minutes with the ignition on.


Keep in mind that vvdi2 with some older vw/ audi/ seat/ skoda cars doesn’t work good. Same as AVDI original.

In most cases vvdi2 program says all ok, but immo light stays on. It happen to me many times.
Best way is to use some other key programmer like sbb or vcds or vaq tacho key tool.

i find vag tacho about the most reliable tool on these 9N polo.

See also
Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer Update V3.0.3

Read dash with fvdi
make transpondeur by dump with tango
and write the new file
dash will show error
just disconnect and reconnect dash plug.

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