Autel IM608 Program 2013 VW Jetta All Keys Lost in Service Mode

I need to adapt a used cluster on a 2013 VW Jetta. This vehicle did not have a kessy module. Was a regular flip key ignition. I don’t have avdi or a similar device for this job. I have an Autel IM608 and original VCDS rosstech. I was able to get original cluster into service mode using IM608 and working key and I retrieved Immo data this way. Autel goes in to cluster for immo functions. Immo iv , nec 24c64. However I cannot get the donor cluster in service mode to read immo data through obd. Will it be possible to get into service mode though eeprom and backup immo data on the used cluster with im608?

Just an update in case someone in the future needs this info. I was able to do the job from start to finish with the Autel IM608.
Like I said I read immo data from original cluster through obd without issue since I had a working key.
Next I used all keys lost via dump on the replacement cluster to see if I could get it into service mode. Followed im608 instructions:
Removed 24c64 from cluster put in xp400 programmer. It read eeprom then modified it to service dump, soldered eeprom back to the cluster, and i had service mode then it rewrote original eeprom via obd and finally It read immo data, and I cancelled all keys lost procedure after that since I had what I needed.
Then I used the cluster replacement function in im608 and it did it through obd using pin and CS from replacement and pin and CS from original.
Finally I was able to do a key learn using the original keys.

See also
Autel IM608 Function Only Available with G-BOX3?

PS abs coding was lost had to use online coding for brake module to get it back. Also radio theft locked I need to find pin for the radio now.

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