Can I Program Xhorse Audi 754J Key with Autel IM508 IM608?

Question: Is it possible to program xhorse audi 754j smart key with Autel MaxiIM IM508/IM608?

Can I Program Xhorse Audi 754J Key with Autel IM508 IM608?


Yes, it can, the key cannot be cloned, you can just generate it.
Generate with xhorse key tool.
I’ve done at least 10.
Audi A4 AKL no problem.

Can I Program Xhorse Audi 754J Key with Autel IM508 IM608?

Did a 2017 q5 2 days ago all keys lost there excellent and bloody cheap i was paying 80 dollars before this

See also
Autel IM608 Program 2020 Chevy Silverado All Keys Lost
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