Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?


I have done a BMW E60 (CAS3+ ISTA4* version) all keys lost with Yanhua mini ACDP through OBD downgrade.

Car did not start, the customer took the car to BMW and they said CAS is dead. Can I repaire the CAS with ACDP or with different machines?

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?


ISTA-P and short ISN is a nightmare. Always do it on bench.

Try using this special function- CAS Repair via OBD

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?

Select the corresponding version to fix according to the version before downgrade.

			Yanhua Mini ACDP Repair Dead BMW CAS3+ ISTAP?

If failed to reprogram the key and lost CAS file, and you have backed up original file,  rewrite the eeprom and flash you saved from the original CAS and all should be fine. As long as you backed it up, you can write the data to that CAS, and if somehow that CAS was physically damaged, you can write the data to another CAS and it will work fine.

See also
Yanhua Mini ACDP Adds Key on Rolls-Royce Ghost CAS4 Success

You can also send EEPROM and flash data to Yanhua technicians to manually edit the data.

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