Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

2018 dodge Ram 3500 fobik key done with Autel IM608 and 12+8 bypass cable. No Problem.

With Autel 12+8 cable you must remove all that hassle to get pin code.  Then learn key.

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

			Autel IM608 Adds 2018 Dodge Ram 3500 Fobik Key with Bypass Cable

there are several ways to bypass the Chrysler SGW and one of them is through the Star connector, It’s almost always easy to access and you don’t have to disassemble anything.

Does the star connector cable work with Autel IM608? Or is the 12+8 bypass cable the only way to do 2017+ Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles. I see a lot of folks say to just use the star connector cable and don’t mention it working with the IM608.

Yes, it works with IM608 and IM508.

Autel does not have Start connector cable for IM608 Pro, but you can use the one from the other equipment.

See also
Can I Unlock 2011 Mini Cooper Used Key PCF7945 with Autel IM608?

When the star connection is fully accessible right by the ebrake. That’s a 3 to 5 minute job with the star connector.

Or get the brute force style cables and never spend more then 5 minutes hooking up. It has the 2 can lines you connect to the star connector. I upgraded mine and soldered in a star connector plug in, now all I do is plug in and go, I suggest breaking the locking tab off, much easier to get it out and it doesn’t fall out.

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