Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

With the Autel im508 & XP400 updated software, you can generate Autel’s new remotes, check here. Today  I have successfully programmed 2014 Ford Focus ST Push to Start all keys lost with Autel IM508 and ikey remote. Push to Start, *Manual Shift* Fcc: KR55WK48801 434mhz *worked* Fcc: KR5876268 434mhz *did not program* The vehicle had *PEPS* Everything programs with ignition off 10 minute wait it asks to insert key in prox slot then asks to hold unlock button for 6 seconds i took the remote out of the slot for that then inserted the prox back into the slot,  then turned the ignition on and key count went up and programmed. The proximity slot is on the right side of the column where the ignition key used to be push hard so the remote stays in place. All buttons worked Prox PEPS worked when approaching vehicle and hand is placed in door handle doors unlocked. PTS prox worked Lishi door right side up turn clockwise will not unlock in that direction but decoded spot on when turned. Told customer stick finger in top of keyblade to pull out then insert in bottom of remote brace to turn Done.

See also
Tips to Program Chevrolet S10 2022 Key with Autel KM100

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

			Autel IM508 Program 2014 Ford Focus ST AKL using iKey Remote

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