Mercedes W163 PCF7935 Key Programming Tips

Question: Does anyone have experience with this key, it’s pcf7935 – Mercedes Ml 270 2002 W163, can do it bench?

			Mercedes W163 PCF7935 Key Programming Tips

Key Cloning:
If you want a spare key without remote you can generate it with xhorse mini key tool via 7935 chip and car will start.
Xhorse can do but if not work try another position from 1 to 8.

			Mercedes W163 PCF7935 Key Programming Tips

But better not clone this key.

If you clone it and start the van then the original key will not work. 
This key cannot be cloned. It’s like all other rolling code. It will work once or twice if you are lucky then the original won’t work either. Same as the bmw ews system. Better program it.

Key Programming:
This is 2min OBD2 job with Avdi/Fvdi. First you have to prepare 7935 transponder for ML and then code it to the car!
it’s a eeprom/bench method only for the transponder. I believe the remote portion won’t work.

See also
Xhorse VVDI 2 “Remaining synchronization time” error

fvdi does the transponder only, you can install an aftermarket remote. And for easy method get the KR55 programmer from mbe.

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