BMW FEM Not Communicate after Read/Write EEPROM with Autel IM608

I have read eeprom, modify eeprom and write eeprom modify with Autel IM608. After that replay clicking, try put original file and same problem and FEM not communicate, Anyone Help?

			BMW FEM Not Communicate after Read/Write EEPROM with Autel IM608

			BMW FEM Not Communicate after Read/Write EEPROM with Autel IM608

			BMW FEM Not Communicate after Read/Write EEPROM with Autel IM608

Your problem is that you had a bad reading. You should clean chip. Good before reading and read few times and save few files.
Better read with xhorse vvdi prog.
You need to fix eeprom file and write back.
Im608 in general not good with bmw.

12v not enough 14.5v try

Desoldered EEprom, wrote back original file, and then i used VVDI2 to update FEM, then after just follow instructions, and FEM worked again.

If you desolder EPROM put file original and same problem, the eeprom is dead.

Change eeprom for new one, there program original file. Then read data and check is frequency is ok.

See also
How to connect and use BMW FEM/BDC Test Platform?
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