How to Find OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Forgotten Password?

Here’s the working solution to recover / reset forgotten password of OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Key programmer, so that the user can enter the home menu.

Look at the two images below showing the user forget his power-on password and can’t enter the operation menu.

			How to Find OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Forgotten Password?

			How to Find OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Forgotten Password?

OBDSTAR chief engineer replied:

We can’t see your lost password, you can renew the tablet, however, there is a risk of renewing the machine: if X300 DP PLUS has important data, it will be lost. After renewing, the tablet software will be the same as that of the new one.

This is the procedure to renew X300 DP PLUS:

After the tablet is turned off, copy the device program to a memory card and plug it in the tablet and turn it on again (this page will appear a lot of English words, until the English word “succeed” appears at the bottom, if not, continue to wait until the word “succeed” appears, and then shut down and take off the memory card, and then turn on the tablet.

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If the English version appears when you turn on the tablet, you need to log in to the settings with your username and password after connecting to the Internet, and then go in and upgrade again.

Here is the renewing program content:

			How to Find OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Forgotten Password?

			How to Find OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Forgotten Password?

For the x300dp plus firmware reflash program, if you need, please contact at (WhatsApp: +86 18259252285) to provide.

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