Autel IM608 2019 Toyota Rav4 Asks for a 12-Digit PIN?


I am trying to add a key on a 2019 Toyota Rav4 but Autel IM608 asks for a 12-digit pin I would appreciate if someone could help me find it or sell it to me.

Autel IM608 2019 Toyota Rav4 Asks for a 12-Digit PIN?


It’s a rolling code you have to send it to you dealer for decoding. You need a Nastf license and Toyota Subscription for access code.

check here : how to get access code?

If it is blade key,

You can use Autel Toyota cable Read immo data Use vvdi super chip create key Then add key using created super chip Easy job. If you don’t have LSID.

If have Lonsdor K518ISE, just purchase Toyota AKL license and dedicated smart key, RAV4 2019-2021 all keys lost can be done via OBD.

Check the detail guide here:

See also
Autel IM608 Read Ram 3500 Pickup Pin Code
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