OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Program 2005 Chrysler Town and Country All Keys Lost

Model: 2005 Chrysler town and country  USA model

Situation: all keys lost

Test report:

2005  town and country AKL USA no pin read by OBD pacifica system eeprom only or dealer but they were closed or code broker but i’m not gonna pay for what i can do myself. 

used a pogo pin adapter this time to read the 95040 chip in the transceiver after drilling hole in the back with drill press so i don’t go to far accidentally

used OLD eeprom adapter under 95040

then used a hex editor i installed on the obdstar x300 dp plus tablet to view the data and find the pincode reversed in row 0x000000e0 columns 5,6 reversed so read it column 6 column 5 

programmed straight in under year make and model.


See also
Obdstar x300 dp (orange) vs. X300 key master (green), need to buy two?
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