OBDSTAR X300 SD Card Blank No App Cannot Turn on Machine?


I have a OBDstar x300 Pro3 and I lost the SD card. I have not registered it. My attempts fail due to not having access to the registration key since I can’t see the app. I don’t have registration key since I can’t turn on device I am wondering if you guys can help me download the update so I can use the machine. When I put the sd card in the computer it’s blank.  I have a 32gb sd card that is empty. it doesn’t have data files.

			OBDSTAR X300 SD Card Blank No App Cannot Turn on Machine?

Solution: OBDSTAR X300 Pro3/x300 dp/dp plus comes with SD card in default. If you lost the SD card, you can replace by a new SD card by yourself. Provide your obdstar serial number (on the back of the machine) to your seller to contact OBDSTAR engineer.

			OBDSTAR X300 SD Card Blank No App Cannot Turn on Machine?

Their engineer will send software file, then you can download it to the new or blank SD card. www.obdii365.com

See also
Tips to Add 2017 Renault Megane IV Keyless Card with OBDSTAR
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