Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Here’s the instruction on how to perform a BMW N20 DME ISN reading with the Autel MaxiIM IM608 and G-Box2.

Connect N20 DME unit with G-Box2, J2534 VCI and IM608 follow the wiring diagram

  • Remove the engine ECU module from the vehicle
  • Connect the Engine ECU interface to the DB15 harness according to the ECU interface punctuation in the wiring diagram.
  • Connect the DB15 harness to the G-Box, then connect the P terminal of the G-Box to the IM608. Connect the 12 DC terminal of the G-box to the 12V adapter.

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Select IMMO function->BMW->System selection->Engine->Direct->Quick Entrance

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

IM608 requires input the 10 digits Bosch number. Press “Help” to check the 10-digit number.

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Enter the Bosch number and press OK to continue

The Bosch number can be found on the DME unit.

See also
Original Xhorse VVDI2 Key Programmer Update to V4.2.0 V4.2.1 (2017-05-11)

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

IM608 identify ECU type: MEVD17.2.9
Press “Bench” button to go to the ECU type and chip type selection menu.

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Make sure the well connection is built

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Press OK
Select “Read ISN”

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Current function need internet connection. Make sure network is working properly and keep this state during the whole process.
Do not use Bluetooth connection.
Do not disconnect the power supply 12V 3A to ensure stable operating voltage.
Do not disconnect the IM608.

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Read ISN in progress

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Data reading finished. Save data.

			Read BMW N20 DME ISN Code with Autel IM608 and G-Box 2

Autel IM608 read N20 ISN code from DME success.

After completing the function. Restore the engine ECU module to its original state.

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