Autek iKey820 vs. Other OBD Key Programmers

What makes Autek ikey820 stands out all OBD key programming tools?

			Autek iKey820 vs. Other OBD Key Programmers here lists top reasons below:

1.Supports more vehicle than other programmers SKP900, CK100, SBB etc.  All done via OBD. No need to remove dash.

check ikey820 immo car list

*2.Works more stable on American, Asian and PSA Peugeot Citroen (won’t kill BSI) vehicles.

*3.Supports GM Ford Chrysler jeep dodge Mitsubishi IMMO till year 2019. Other devices cannot do that new.

*4.Supports Subaru IMMO. Other devices cannot do Subaru IMMO nor easily damage immo box.

*5. Supports Toyota H and G chip key programming without emulator.

(Supports U.S Toyota H chip all keys lost. For other region can only add Toyota H chip key)

6. Supports 2018 up Ford IMMO (require license)

7. Support 2017 up GM and Chrysler (Grand CHerokee 2015-2017 & Durango 2015-2017). Require license.

See also
Autek iKey820 Ford Explorer 2016 Proximity All Keys Lost Success
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