How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

How-to: program Toyota Camry all smart keys lost, generate simulator and add new smart key with Autel MaxiIM IM508and APB112 simulator. Vehicle Model: Toyota Camry 2016 hybrid Key chip: 8A Lost all keys, new smart key cannot turn on
key not detected and remote do not function

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Device required:  Autel IM508/IM608  XP400 Adapter Autel APB112 smart key simulator  A new smart key

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Main Step: 1. Read IMMO data 2.Generate Simulator Key 3. Add Smart Key Step-by-step procedure:

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Connect APB112 with IM508 via USB cable
Select IMMO->Toyota->Manual Selection->Other->Camry->Smart key->Keyless System (CAN)

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

1. Back up Immobilizer Data
This function is use to back up the EEPROM data of the smart box.
The data can be used to generate the simulator key for emergency start of the vehicle to perform the key programming function.

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Reading immobilizer data

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Connecting network. Need stable WiFi network
Write name file and press OK to save dump

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Backup succeed

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

2.Generate Simulator Key

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Select Generate Simulator Key
Select the EEPROM data
Choose backup file

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Retrieving critical data
Generate simulator key in process

See also
CN900 key programmer read and write Benz W140 chip

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Show key type SLK03
Connect APB112 key simulator

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Obtain software name and version

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Burning firmware until succeed
The simulator key is generated successfully
The simulator key can be used to turn the ignition on in case of emergency to learn the key

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Put the simulator key on Start/Stop button and press

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

The key can start engine now. Don’t disconnect USB cable 3. Add smart key
Use the simulator key to turn on ignition

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Select Add Smart Key
Confirm to use the simulator key APB112
Each step must be completed within the specified time.
The position for learning: 5

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Put the simulator key APB112 close to Start button

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

You will hear a beep sound
Put the new smart key to learned close to the Start button

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

beep beep
Registering key in process

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Learning key succeed
Test remote and star vehicle

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

			How to use Autel APB112 Simulator to Generate Toyota Smart key?

Done. Note: APB112 simulator need to work with XP400 (not  XP200) and compatible with IM608, IM508, MX808IM. It is not only a smart key simulator, but also 46, 4D data collector and ID46 password calculator.

( 2 assessment, average 5 from 5 )
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