CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Here’s the guide to read and write BMW N13 ISN code using CGDI Prog BMW without opening DME shell. DME license and special DME cable from CG is required.

With the ISN DME cable, you don’t need to opening DME, drill a hole nor supply 12V power adapter.

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Follow wiring diagram below to connect DME with CGDI BMW

You can check wiring in software as well

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Open CGDI BMW software, choose N13/N20/N55/B38 Read ISN function and type N13

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Check wiring and identify DME type

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Read ISN till success

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Copy the ISN code.

Press Write

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Reading DLFASH in process

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Save original DLFASH data

Paste the ISN code here

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Write ISN success

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME

Press Read ISN to check new ISN information

			CGDI BMW Read and Write N13 ISN without Opening DME


See also
Read, Write and Renew Mercedes NEC Chip with CGDI MB or VVDI MB?
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