Program VW Passat B7 2012 ID46 Keyless Success


Can someonE tell me how to add VW Passat B7 2012 id46 keyless key.?

What tool can i use?


You need good tool to obtain pin and cs fro engine ecu . you will obtain 6th bytes cs and pin code
And from working key you will obtain the 7th byte
Now bring new keyless and make dealer key with the 7th bytes and learn it to car using pin code obtained in the first
If you don’t have proper tool
You need to find comfort module and find 95320 eeprom.

Success test:

Work done.The key with remote control is working. I used Carprog to read 95320 eeprom and jop finish with FVDI 2018,a very easy process.

You can make dealer key with vvdi2 as well.

See also
FVDI Program Transponder Key on a Fiat Ducato 2006
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