Should I have an AUTEL IM508? Work with XP400 for Mercedes & BMW?

Is Autel MaxiIM im508 worth the money? What keys can you do with it?

From what I can see, the more expensive has more options for coding and special functions.

Relating to diagnostics.

IMMO seems to be the same on both. Maybe chip reading or eeprom writing. But I have yet to find a video to show something that the smaller and cheaper version doesn’t do that the expensive one does.

Regarding IMMO of course.

I would get the more expensive one, but my job has the VERUS, Autologic and Launch Torque.

So diagnostic wise, I’m covered. Which is why I purchased the Autel im508 for key programming. Which has worked so far. Older ford models and a Mazda. Some Chryslers, but nothing requiring the 5 digit PIN’s. Just the old 4 digit pin ones.

You should be cover with the IM508.

It has the same IMMO functions as the expensive one.

I have yet to try a newer Chevy. But I had a 2016 GMC truck and it had the ability to program keys. Just that it was going to erase all of them and program them all back. Not sure if that’s how it works on newer models. I thought they get programmed like Chrysler cars and you need a PIN to program them.

The old Ford models, programs them in 5 seconds. Meaning is does the 10 minute bypass. Which is awesome. Same with Toyota’s. I see the quick immo reset option, which usually takes a lot less than the 16 minute wait. Haven’t tried it yet, hopefully I can soon to test it out. But yeah, the cheaper tool is just as good as the expensive one. I would go for the cheaper one if it’s IMMO only you’re looking for.

See also
Autel IM608 Pro BMW EWS3 Replacement (Read/Write)

Oh and BmW cas4 only when connected to XP400 adapter as well. I want to make bmw keys and Hyundai

			Should I have an AUTEL IM508? Work with XP400 for Mercedes & BMW?

(The adapter is for Benz and it looks like a Benz key and it connects to the scanner. You can also buy nust the x400 scanner if you really want to do cas4 bmw too. The software from the im508 & im608 are identical. No difference at all.)

I did a 2014 Passat. It was able to program the key and then the fob part. Not sure why it says it can’t do it? The key was an original key from VW. The customer who brought it to me said that the car was owned by someone who worked at a dealer, he purchased the key very cheap, but never programmed it. I followed the instructions of someone here on YouTube who did one as well. My machine error out after I did the process, but it still programmed it!  The fob part was very easy! The one thing most of these tools cannot do is “all keys lost”. For some reason, you have to do it through eeprom reading and writing. But if you have a working key, this tool can program 2014 cars. This one was a turn style key, not a proximity key. Haven’t seen anything about proximity key programming for VW or Audi.



I love the Autel im508 if I didn’t have the Maxisys elite I might think of buying the im608, but I can do more with the elite and 508.

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