How to add tokens to VAG OBD Helper cable?

Question: I bought a VAG OBD Helper with 10 tokens, but I got 1 token instead of 10. What’s up?

It says 1 cable + 10 tokens

			How to add tokens to VAG OBD Helper cable?

but only 1 token in vag obd helper software

			How to add tokens to VAG OBD Helper cable?

			How to add tokens to VAG OBD Helper cable?

Answer: Yes. you will have 1 token for use in hurry when you get the vag obd cable.

But for other 9 tokens, please provide us with the interface serial number

Link to get tokens for use:

Please contact customer service and add tokens:

Phone No: +86 18259252285

Whatsapp/Wechat:+86 18259252285



Tokens will be required when you use VAG OBD Helper:

  • If the VAG MQB immo data can’t be read out, you can try to use VAG OBD helper, but it can work for adding new keys (Take Johnson Controls key adding as an example)
  • If A4L Q5 BCM2 data can’t be directly read out, and the interface displays the data length error, VAG OBD helper can be used to calculate BCM2 data.
  • If you have all keys lost for any of 2014 A6 A7 A8 Touareg, PHIDEON with 5th immo system, you can use VAG OBD helper to online calculate BCM2 data, then working together with VVDI2, APPRO to program key.
See also
VVDI 2 failed can not access to service provider fixed

Note: Before using VAG OBD helper, please make sure the vehicle info is not tampered and vehicle status is legal, otherwise the immo data can’t be calculated.

Example:  VVDI2 & VAG OBD Helper make a dealer key 24c64 from VW 4th IMMO

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