Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

How-to: Program remote key on a  NISSAN NAVARA by OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS/Key Master DP Plus.

Step 1: Generate remote with Keydiy

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

Step 2: Program remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS Turn on ignition switch In X300 DP Plus, select Immobilizer->Nissan->Nissan/Intinifi v31.69->4 Digit Pin Code->Remote System->Type 1->Program remote

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

Click on ENT button and press the remote button

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

Program remote success

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS

Test the remote control

			Program Nissan Navara 2-Button Remote with OBDSTAR X300 DP PLUS


See also
OBDSTAR X300 DP Update Chrysler IMMO Vehicle Models
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