Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

This helps you guys with Toyota Rav4 to register the immobilizer portion of smart keys.


Software: Techstream

Note: You can use the new or old versions.

The latest is Techstream v13

Here, version 9 is used

Equipment: Mini VCI cable




any diagnostic cable that is confirmed to work with Techstream sw

Car: Toyota Rav 4 2009

Engine: 2GR-FE

Smart code registration process:

Connect the diagnostic cable to the vehicle

Run Techstream

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Select Division, Model, Year, Engine and specify Options:

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Car: Toyota Rav 4 2009

Engine: 2GR-FE

Option: 2WD

W/ smart key

Select ECU Smart Key for Smart resetting

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Click for Utility

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Then choose Smart Code Registration (classic) in Utility Selection Menu

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

The function is used to register the immobilizer portion of smart keys.

Confirm the following conditions:

– Power/engine switch is ON(IG)

See also
Register Toyota Roomy Key with Mini VCI Techstream

– Smart cancel function is OFF

Choose third option:

I am registering keys and have replaced the ID Code Box and Smart ECU or have performed Smart Code Reset

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Then press Next

Techstream starts to program keys…

To register key touch the Power/Engine Switch with the key – you will hear a signal, and then move the key to the center of car cabin – you will hear a signal once again.

To register the second, third key, etc. – just repeat “touch and move” operations. You have 30 seconds to do this.

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream

Smart Code Registration is complete.

			Toyota Rav4 2009 Smart Code Registration: Done with Techstream


You can use this Smart Code Registration procedure even ID Code Box and Smart ECU had not been replaced. Both for new and used smart-keys.

Techstream registers smart keys to Toyota Rav4 2009

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