Confirmed! KEYDIY KD900+ Bluetooth remote maker remote copy function is verified to work no issues! It can work on fixed code and some HCS rolling code remotes, without frequency limit – save your stock and time !
Keydiy KD900+, remotes and a Xiaomi mobile running on Android O.S. ready for remote copy
Remote Copy
Remote copy function is for adding fixed codes remotes and some HCS code domestic remotes or car remotes with 300-500MHz frequency. please just use B remotes to copy. When copy, flat the remote on the KD900+ surface
Step 1: Remote copy with Keydiy KD900+
Remote copy can work for most fixed code remote, some HCS rolling code
To avoid copy failure from interface, please make sure
KD machine is more than 40 cm far from standby phones
3m far from in-call phones
Please input the first button (unlock)
Again, input the first button (unlock)
Please input the second button (lock)
Please input the third button (trunk)
Please input the fourth button (panic)
Adjust the remote frequency
Wired generation
Generate a remote successfully
Step 2: Data compare
Please input the first button
Please input the second button
Data consistency
Step 3: Remote copy with Keyidy KD900+
Please input the first button (unlock)
Again, input the first button (unlock)
Please input the second button (lock)
Please input the third button (trunk)
Please input the fourth button (panic)
Adjust the frequency (wired generation)
Generate a remote successfully
Job’s done!
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