Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Here’s the guide on how to initialize ECU box Toyota Corolla Altis year 2006 chip 4C when all keys lost by OBDSTAR x300 dp.

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Engine control Toyota Corolla 2005-2006
3ZZZ-FE denso

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

L56R is eeprom 93C56 at IC900 position
Cannot program all keys lost by OBDII.

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Remove ecu and desoldering IC 93c56

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Connect key master DP with VCI and EEPROM PIC adapter
Connect 12V supply electric to EEPROM adapter

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Use hot air to desoldering eeprom 93C56

Solder 93C56 to adapter 93CXX

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Solder 93C56 into eeprom adapter

connect adapter to EEPROM PIC

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Select Diag Program ->EEPROM adapter->EEPROM v33.59-EEPROM ->EEPROM RW (read dump file)->93CXX series->93C56

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Save dump file

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Select Data initialization ->Toyota/Lexus-> Immobilizer initialization->4C Chip- >-05 month 6 (manufactured before year 2005 May)-> Engine initialization (93C56)

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Save dump file before initialization

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Data initialization ok

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Desoldering 93C56 from OBDSTAR X300 DP eeprom adapter
Resolder back to ecu

			Program Toyota Corolla 2006 4C Chip All Keys Lost with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Install ecu back to the car. Security light steady.

See also
Audi all key lost, what key programmer

Program keys as the following steps within 120 seconds:
A: Program 2 master keys and 1 sub key.
1) Insert the 1st master key and wait for 5 sec
2) Insert the 2nd master key and wait for 5 sec
3) Insert the 3rd sub key and wait for 5 sec
Security light turns off and programming is finished.

B: Program 1 master key and 1 sub key.
1) Insert the 1st master key and wait for 5 sec
2) Insert the 2nd sub key and wait for 5 sec
3) Turn on and turn off the ignition switch quickly for 5 times.
Security light turns off and programming is finished.

C: Program 1 master key.
1) Insert the master key and wait for 5 sec
2) Turn on and turn off the ignition switch quickly for 5 times.
Security light turns off and programming is finished.

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