A Lot of Reviews of AK500 (AK500+) MB key programmer

I searched a lot on the web for MB key Programming and find that AK500 or Ak500+ key programmerreviews are there best for a beginner or anyone who looking for a decent MB key tool.

Part 1: AK500 (AK500+) and NEC keys

Part 2: AK500 (AK500+) Windows 7 install

Part 3: AK500 (AK500+) database how to use

Part 4: AK500 (AK500+) hardware how to use

Part 5: AK500 (AK500+) how to program new keys


In detail…


Part 1: NEC Keys: Confirmed to work with AK500 (AK500+)

Can renew NEC key

AK 500 good eeprom programmer. No write MB key. It can be renew NEC ic.
Necessary NEC programmer .AK500 unable original MB key.

Can support genuine NEC key

AK500+ work fine genuine key( renew nec chip), with chinesse key only record eeprom one time. On W203 (motorola ROM secure mask 1J35D) not work…

Can read 1j35d on w203 EIS

you can read 1j35d on w203 EIS !! I did it last week. It can renew NEC-keys, too. The big problem are the remote bytes from NEC keys while renewing. It kills the remote bytes and the remote door locks does not work anymore. Other problem is with 9s12/HC12 EIS, it kills the flash. You have to write a new flash to the EIS. These week, i sold another tool called “EIS repair tool” to a forum member. This tool can make the same EIS like AK500. But this tool can repair hash errors automatically and it never erased remote bytes, but it was 1500 Euro before two years, Ak500 was 500 Euro..

Can renew and write NEC keys

I have the ak500+ , with this one i can renew and write the nec keys . Also i can write new keys with from infarent .
For ak500 i dont know .

Can write old W206 Motorolla chip

the old big key from a W208 have motorolla chip inside . You need the bin key file write it in with xprogor any other programmer . The new nec keys you can write them in ir socket . Just when u order them check if can program them with ak500( there is remark there that they say wich programmer can program them ).
The old keys with nec chip u desolder them put them in nec ak 500 socket fatrenew – then write and u done .

Can work for only ori NEC keys and older clone

its relative stable tool, but support only old models and can make only ori NEC keys and older clone. I am using this tool long time and i was satisfied with this. I used this tool only for read eis and make a keys. Check yourself, if price compare difference of support between standard and plus version is good for you.

See also
Autel KM100 Program Chevrolet Aveo 2019 Key

Replace SiLab CP2102 chip, I had the same problem with my AK500. Also I use my bench top power supply. The one that came with the unit is poor quality.
When replacing the CP2102, you must have good experience with hot air gun and a good microscope or magnify glass. Else you will have the same problem if the contacts are not good.

Part 2: How to install AK500 (AK500+) software on Windows 7

to install the ak500 plus software in win7
1st u need to close the antivirus
then install as administrator
after that u need to go the installation folder find and install another 2 files.
AKdump.exe and CP210x.exe remember need install as administrator

Part 3: How to use AK500 (AK500+) database

The database is use to adapt a used esl to your existing eis
1) read eis dump
2) renew the esl erasing all lines but the last 2 using hex edit
3) “generate keys “using ak500 (not skc)
4) copy all keys dump’s & the renew esl file to the same folder
5) “open” renew esl file using ak500 plus
6) “process”using ak500.


Part 4: How to use AK500 (AK500+) hardware

Well, this is in case anyone needs to know how to use the HD. If it doesn’t already exist, create a “ESL” sub-directory in the “AK500” directory. Copy “MB_ESL.txt” from the HD to the “ESL” directory. Copy “tel.xls.exe” from the HD to the AK500 root directory. If you don’t want to deal with the external HD, create a partition, named “aK500”, and copy “AK500-BASE” from the HD to it. That’s it and it works very well for cars up to about 2009.

Btw, the usb to serial IC, always near the usb socket.

			A Lot of Reviews of AK500 (AK500+) MB key programmer

			A Lot of Reviews of AK500 (AK500+) MB key programmer

			A Lot of Reviews of AK500 (AK500+) MB key programmer

Part 5: How to program new keys using AK500 (AK500+) key programmer

Ak500 Programmer helps to program new key on MB w203:

Step a) open eis if the mcu is hc07 family then desolder the first one .

Step b) Put it in the ak500 holder , be careful with the point of the chip .

Step c) Choose the correct mask in software for the mcu .

Step d) Read the mcu and save the file .

Step e) Open the skc and load the bin file that you read .

Step f) Choose the key number that you see free.

Step g) Solder the mcu back in eis .

Step i ) Write the key if is new by infarent holder .

Step k ) Put the key in eis and start the car .

If i help you out, please give me a positive vote : )

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AK500+ Review: NEC keys, Windows 7 Install, Database

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