Review: Scorpio-LK Tango Key Programmer

Genuine Tango Key Programmer Reviews:

Ori. Tango Review 1:

The Chinese sell genuine and original Tango. It is not a clone. I bought one. I am not an idiot. I saved a little money. I get one to one support from Scorpio, even on a Sunday morning. It is a very good tool. 100% original. Best tool I ever got from China.

Ori. Tango Review 2:

Tango has not been cloned. It does not have a dongle but the supplied software comes on a USB stick.
Scorpio have a Chinese distributor who supplies all Chinese sellers.

It is a 100% original tool which you must register with Scorpio for updates and support.

I have one and it is a great tool. I bought mine from and I am very happy with it.

Ori. Tango Review 3:

The Chinese sell genuine (OEM) and original Tango. The OEM one is from FLY and it is cheaper with poorer quality. The original is from scorpio. At that price it won’t be a clone.

Ori. Tango Review 4:

It is original and support from Scorpio is second to none. Got help on a Sunday morning from them!

See also
Program Lexus GS 450h All Smart Keys Lost with Tango Key Programmer

Everything from Fly is rubbish. There has been enough posted about them and their products on this and other forums to make an informed choice and avoid their products.

Ori. Tango Review 5:

my advice is don’t buy any tango from fly, you never know what they send to you. I already damage a few keys and transponders for bmw and vw with tango from fly.Tango programed bmw key and after that I will even not aloud to read it same vw key… wtf?

Ori. Tango Review 6:

If Chinese seller says OEM Tango and it is cheap it is clone. They also sell genuine Tango for much more. Same for Orange5.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Tango original vs clone

Genuine Tango has basic software, made by Scorpio, price:949 usd

Clone OEM Tango has full software,made by Fly, price: 259 usd

In detail…

Tango Transponder Key Programmer: Original or Clone?

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