How to: Enable/Disable BMW F-series key using CGDI Prog BMW key programmer.
1. CGDI BMW enables F-series key
Select BMW Enable Key
Display key information
Select key position to be enabled
Enable the key
Put the key vertically in the key induction area of the direction column
Enable the key successfully, the re-enabled remote key may not immediately take effect on the vehicle, in this case through the manual key to open the vehicle, if necessary, through the emergency start function start the vehicle. To do this, keep the master key in the mark position and manipulate the start/stop button according to the instructions. Then the ignition key should be properly functioning again.
2. CGDI BMW disables F-series key
Select BMW Disable Key
Display key information
Select key position to be disabled
Disable the key
Disable key success
CGDI Prog BMW Key Programmer F-series Coding Manual