Read, Write and Renew Mercedes NEC Chip with CGDI MB or VVDI MB?

Mercedes NEC Chip Read/Write/Renew Manual:

What is a Mercedes NEC key?

How to tell if your Mercedes has an NEC key/chip:

How many types of Mercedes NEC key?

Which MB key programmer can be used for NEC key?

How to use CGDI MB for NEC key?

How to use VVDI Mercedes for NEC key?



Verified: CGDI Prog MB can read NEC chip from the original Mercedes-Benz key



What is a Mercedes NEC key?

  1. crystal
  2. RF front end decoder chip: this is a custom chip that takes the signal direct from the antenna and does IF filtering as well as decoding and then supplies a serial data output for the microcontroller
  3. NEC 8 bit microcontroller 78K0s series: this is the actual controller chip, actually a ‘secure’ version of the standard microcontroller. this holds the code that controls the code hopping algorithm as well as the individual ID codes for each transmitter.


How to tell if your Mercedes has an NEC key/chip:

Mercedes-Benz 1997-2000: 705 Moto

Mercedes-Benz 2001-2005: NEC

Mercedes-Benz 2006-2010: NEC

Mercedes-Benz 2011-: BGA

How many types of Mercedes NEC key?

v51 v57

v28 v35 v40 v51 v57

v03 v06 v07 v08 v09 v61

v28 v35 v40 v51 v57

v03 v05 v06 v07 v08 v09 v59 v61


Which MB key programmer can be used for NEC key?

VVDI MB Tool: Confirmed!

CGDI PROG MB: Confirmed!

How to use CGDI MB for NEC key?


CGDI-MB read original NEC chip v40:

The original key & the NEC adapter



See also
MB W204 ESL damaged, NEC ESL defective (Solved)

Choose Communication mode: NEC adapter

Choose Chip Type: 000 4229

Read Key/Chip

CGDI MB Prog successfully read key data

CGDI-Mercedes read/write original NEC chip v57:


Job’s done.

CGDI Mercedes works good.

How to use VVDI Mercedes for NEC key?


Put the NEC57 key chip on VVDI NEC Key Adapter

Put NEC Key Adapter on VVDI MB

Connect VVDI MB Tool with laptop and open latest VVDI MB software V2.1.7.

Now you can start to virgin Mercedes NEC57!

Select mode “NEC Adapter” then choose type “V51, V57”.

“Identification key”

VVDI MB will read NEC V57 key info successfully!

Key number is 1.

“Renew” to virgin NEC V57 key.

Wait a while key erasing complete 100% and success!

“Identification key” again and read key info to check if key is successfully erased.

And you can see now key information is blank and things done!



Note: Xhorse vvdi mb bga tool now supports NEC keys:

v51 v57 get password directly

normal key v28 v35 v40 v51 v57 renew on board

keyless go keys v03 v06 v07 v08 v09 v61 renew on board

normal key v28 v35 v40 v51 v57 write key file by IR or on board

keyless go keys v03 v05 v06 v07 v08 v09 v59 v61 write key file by IR or on board



In summary, both CGDI PROG MB and VVDI MB TOOL are verified to work with NEC keys: read/write/renew keys without any issue.


Read/Write/Renew Mercedes NEC Chip: CGDI MB or VVDI MB Tool?

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