Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System

Obdstar X300 DP vs Lonsdor K518ISE: what’s the difference? which tool is better for auto key programming?


This is a chart of the two, compared in terms of hardware, operation and functionality.


Hardware specification comparison:

Item Obdstar X300 DP Lonsdor K518ISE
Image Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System
Operating system Android 5.1 Android 4.4
CPU Samsung Exynos4418 A9 industrial-grade processor ARM V7
Storage space FLASH 16G FLASH 8G
Battery 7400mAh 4550mAh
Resolution 1280*800 1024*600
Screen size 7 inch 7 inch
HDMI Available No
Communication USB/Bluetooth USB only
WIFI Yes Yes
Dimension 215*147*30
Shell Three proofing and industrial-grade shell with rubber coating Civil-grade

Operation & service comparison:

Item Obdstar X300 DP Lonsdor K518
One key update Yes Yes
One key enter Yes No
Database Built-in repair database (domestic) No
Technical support Expert service team Professional service team

Function comparison:

Item Obdstar X300 DP PAD Lonsdor K518 Key Programmer
OBDII diagnosis Yes, full-system diagnosis No
Odometer correction Yes Yes
Pin code Inquiry 7*24 hours automatic Inquiry is available for most pin code (domestic) No
Key programming Yes Yes, it has full vehicle coverage, incl. Renault, Volvo, etc.

(see details below)

EEPROM/PIC adapter Yes No
ABS Yes No
TPS Yes No
SRS reset Yes No
TPMS(low tire)reset Yes No
Steering angle reset Yes No
CVT learning/Value reset Yes No
EPB Yes No
Oil/service reset Yes No
Battery matching Yes No

In summary,


Obdstar X300 DP Pad: full system, multi-function including special functions

Lonsdor K518ISE: Expert in auto key programming! (with fullest vehicle coverage)



Lonsdor K518 is the NO.1 car key programmer in the word. And It has built-in Volkswagen 4th & 5th adapter and built-in chip & remote detection module. Compared with other universal key programming machines, it has the best vehicle coverage, including some keys cannot be programmed before, such as

Volvo (S40, S60, S80, XC60, XC90, C30, C70, V40, V60, V70) key programming
Toyota/Lexus: smart key all key lost – via OBD ( without dismantle)
BMW CAS3/CAS3+/CAS3++: direct OBD programming
BMW CAS4/CAS4+: dismantle & read data programming
BMW FEM system key programming & All keys lost
2016 -New Maserati: smart key programming
2016 -New Ford: smart key programming
Hyundai / Kia 46/47/8A smart key: PIN code reading via OBD, all key lost included.
Renault ( Megane, Koleos, Scenic) without PIN code key programming
VAG group 4th & 5th immobilizer system
Ferrari (458, F12, F149): direct OBD programming
Peugeot /Citroen: two ways to read PIN code & programming, all keys lost included



Lonsdor K518ISE IMMOBILIZER Car List: (support all cars)

Audi, BMW, Benz, VW, Volvo, Citroen, Ferrari, Maserati, Fiat, Lamborghini, Jaguar, MG,
Land Rover, Bentley, Lancia, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, DS, Renault, Alfa Romeo, Smart,

Cadillac, Chevrolet, Dodge, GMC, Buick, Hummer, Ford, JEEP, Lincoln, Mercury

Honda, Hyundai, Isuzu, KIA, Lexus, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Ssangyong, Subaru, Suzuki,
Toyota, Shigaoka Queen

Iveco, Trumpchi, BYD, Geely, Chery, Great Wall, Young Lotus (Basically all Chinese car
models are included)

Lonsdor K518ISE vehicle list

Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System Lonsdor K518 K518ISE vs. OBDSTAR X300 DP Full System

See also
OBDSTAR X300 DP PAD2 vs. X300 DP, What’s New
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