Program Passat 4th IMMO Key with OBDSTAR X300 DP

Here is the instruction on programming VAG Passat 4th IMMO Key by using OBDSTAR X300 DP key programmer and OBDSTAR RFID adapter (adapter chip reader for VAG 4th 5th IMMO function)



Dissemble the dashboard instrument

Connect X300 DP with VCI and Dash

Turn ignition on (If it is the smart key, turn ignition OFF then turn it ON)

Make sure dash instrument is black

Reading eeprom data

Save data
Read IMMO data

Turn ignition on (If it is the smart key, turn ignition OFF then turn it ON)
Make sure dash instrument is black

Read VIN, CS code and PIN and key info

Select Generate OEM Dealer Key (Can start car)

Turn ignition on
Connect OBDSTAR RFID adapter with X300 DP

Insert the original key (chip) into RFID adapter

See also
OBDSTAR X300 DP Change Mileage on Ford Focus 2012

RFID Indicator flashes, remove the first key chip
Follow X300 DP prompt to insert second key chip

RFID indicator flashes, reading key data
dash indicators turn on

Generating dealer key in progress

Generate dealer key success

Test the new key, it works!


See also: Program Audi A6L 4th IMMO Key by OBDSTAR X300 DP

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