Tips on Programming VW Tiguan 2011 Key by VVDI2

Hi, I am quite competent with Asia & US vehicles, but haven’t touch much of European vehicles.
Recently my local market flood with VW and Audi, so I bought XHorse VVDI2 key programmer but it is much over my head.
Maybe I don’t have the right concept for doing European cars.
Can some one point me to the right direction to where I can learn more about this please.

Yesterday I had a VW Tiguan 2011. I am told that I have to get the pincode, the component security then program key with MVP Pro.
Cannot find Tiguan in VVDI 2, so I chose Passat 4th immo system, but it only give me the pincode and not the component security.

Would be very much appreciated if someone can show me how to handle this in baby steps.
Many thanks in advance

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			Tips on Programming VW Tiguan 2011 Key by VVDI2

Locksmith suggestion:

Passat has immo in ccm, not cluster like Tiguan.
You need to choose the correct cluster, using VVDI2 diag in the keylearning menu.

Key learn—-4th immo syst vw seat—-autodetect

If this is a model with micronas,or with nec make a differences.
If it is with nec24c32 or nec24c64, use diag in keylearning section.
You do not need mvp pro.
Back up abs long coding first!!!!!.
And back up any immo data before you program.


Baby steps works.

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