Will VVDI MB BGA Tool Program Mercedes W164 all keys lost?

A test report of Xhorse VVDI MB Tool Mercedes key programmer adding keys W164 (2009-) when all key lost.


Test purpose: program/ add new keys to Mercedes-Benz W164 (2009-)


Test via technicians working for


Hardware: vvdi mercedes

Software version: ver. 2.1.6 up


W164 EIS:

Test procedure:

Test result: Vvdi mb bga tool 100% adds new keys to w164. Perfect!



FAQs of VVDI MB & W164 all key lost:


Q: Why VVDI MB cant read W164 EIS OBD on table? cant start communication with EIS

A: You need gateway.

And before 09 read it whit programmer and if after 09 whit nec you can calculate password online.

Lost all keys 2 tokens.


Q: Where to get an chema of gateway with w164 EIS connected on table?

See also
CGDI Prog MB Quick Test: Read EZS, Calculate Pass and Write Key

A: Please check it in Starfinder or WIS.



The final note: VVDI Mercedes for W166, W212, W246, W212 (old, with ELV) , W204, W207, W216, W164 (2009-) all key lost


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