Obdstar x300 dp (orange) vs. X300 key master (green), need to buy two?

A same question arise that what’s the difference between obdstar x300 dp (orange) and obdstar x300 Pro3 key master (green unit), if not do they need to order both?

The answer is it does not need to waste money to order both two, because they are the same tool, they have same function, save vehicle coverage. They differ from each other in color, the orange one X300 DP is supplied on Eshop.

Two package options: obdstar x300 dp full package and obdstar x300 dp standard package

obdstar x300 dp (key master) achieved:

  1. Many users feedback the old obdstar X100 pro works very fine on key programming and mileage correction, and keep update. Well, if you are looking for special functions, obdstar x300 dp is an alternative one, it adds more i.e Steering angle sensor, DPF for some few brands. Service maintain light. Tyre pressure reset. Throttle relearn. BMS battery reset.
  1. By all accounts its the dogs doodahs on anything honda including rematching ecu after flat battery, and as it includes all the green units F100 to F109 it seems to have alot of token free coverage including it claims toyota G and H reset
  1. Test Youtube video:
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Looking for good supplier:

Users like the honest supplier who test each device carefully then attach the QC number on the device before shipping to the buyers.

www.obdii365.com is such a good supplier who are worth to order X300 dp from:

			Obdstar x300 dp (orange) vs. X300 key master (green), need to buy two?

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