Program Toyota Estima Remote Key by OBDSTAR Key Master

It is a Japan imported Toyota Estima Hybrid minivan which need to get new remote programmed. Here we use OBDSTAR X300 Pro3 Key Master to program its new remote via OBD.


Note: The Toyota Previa, also known as the Toyota Estima (エスティマ) in Japan, and Toyota Tarago in Australia, is an MPV or multi-purpose vehicle (known as a minivan in North America) produced by Toyota since 1990.


You need 2 remotes, one programmed and one to be programmed

key master toyota estima remote 2-1

In OBDSTAR Key Master we select Toyota/Lexus

key master toyota estima remote 1-2
Turn igniton ON

Toyota/Lexus V31.05

key master toyota estima remote 3-3
Select Smart key system

key master toyota estima remote 4-4
Select Type 1

key master toyota estima remote 5-5
Select Add smart key

X300 Pro3 has erase, reset smart key and program ECU functions list

Key Master will prompt each procedure has to complete within the sepcificed time

Program new remote to Position 5

See also
How to choose Jaguar Land Rover JLR key programmer?

key master toyota estima remote 6-6
Can program more to 8th Position

key master toyota estima remote 7-7
Touch programmed smart to contact Start button
Sound beep

key master toyota estima remote 8-8

Use new smart key to contact Start button
Sound beep

Program Success
Turn ignition OFF to test new smartt remote key
Remote OK

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