Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

Have successfully changed mileage on my AUDI A3 2005 without cluster removed. I mean i adopted the easiest method- mileage adjustment by OBDSTAR VAG-Pro key programmer via OBD.

Model: 2005 AUDI A3

			Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

I have a Vag K+CAN Commander 5.5 and it doesn’t work with my Audi A3 2004
It says “Odometer changed successfully ” but no change.
On Golf 5, Passat 3C i tested and it worked but with my Audi doesn’t work.

It’s my first time to change odometer, and an experienced fellow said for the first time i should make the ignition on and disconnect the battery for a few seconds..

But it doesn’t work.
I disconnected the battery for 10 minutes (longer to wait this time) but no change.
I removed Instrument Cluster Fuse, again NO CHANGE

Finally, solved by OBDSTAR vag pro!

See also
Audi all key lost, what key programmer

The vendor says it’s specialized for VAG group vehicles for basic diagnosis and some special functions (immo key programming, change km,oil reset, SRS reset, steering angle calibration…)

And my A3 2005 is listed.

With 6-day delivery, i finally got it for $89, from
Checked each item in a good condition and used it ASAP.

It’s surprisingly easy to change km with this obdstar unit.

Connect the vag pro device to the car via OBD

Then do as the screen prompts

			Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

			Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

			Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

			Change mileage on Audi A3 2005 by OBDSTAR VAG-PRO

Just follow the instruction on the screen to setup mileages. It’s worth every penny, i  have to say.

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