CN900 Mini Decode Toyota G chip error (Solved)

Here is the working solution to CN900 Mini key programmer “decode error 2” when decode Toyota transponder key with G chip.

			CN900 Mini Decode Toyota G chip error (Solved)

Download CN900 Mini update file
Open CN900-MINI-V1.9 software on desktop

			CN900 Mini Decode Toyota G chip error (Solved)

Click on CONNECT to connect Mini CN900 and computer

			CN900 Mini Decode Toyota G chip error (Solved)

Then click on UPDATE button to update CN900 Mini firmware

			CN900 Mini Decode Toyota G chip error (Solved)

Power off CN900 Mini main unit

Power on CN900 Mini key programmer
After firmware update procedure complete, turn on the key copy machine again.

Device will work well.

See also
CN900 key pro Update and read/write Toyota G chip
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